chartered wealth manager accredited financial analyst financial planner ISO 9001 Accredited Certification Body Training
International Board of Standards - Professional Designations -  Accredited Education.  Creating the World's Leaders in Management ™


GAFM Certifications ®

Apply Today - Send your resume TODAY and we can review your credentials for certifications &  programs in 72 hours. Email to or Click Contact

Top Certifications

  1. AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®  

  2. AMA Accredited Management Accountant ®  

  3. AMC Accredited Management Consultant ®  

  4. MMC Master Management Consultant ® 

  5. ChE Chartered Economist ®

  6. CIPM Certified International Project Manager ® 

  7. MFP Master Financial Planner ®

  8. CRA Certified Risk Analyst ®

  9. CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner ®

  10. CWM Chartered Wealth Manager  ®

  11. RBA Registered Business Analyst

  12. MPM Master Project Manager ®

  13. CCTM Chartered Certification in Talent Management ™

  14. Certified Operational Risk Manager ™

Other Specialist Designations

  1. RFS Registered Financial Specialist ™ 

  2. FAD Financial Analyst Designate ™

  3. MSA Master Securities Analyst ™

  4. CPM Chartered Portfolio Manager  ™

  5. CAM Chartered Asset Manager  ™

  6. CMA Chartered Market Analyst ™

  7. CIPM Certified International Project Manager ®

  8. CPE Certified Planning Engineer ™

  9. CRA Certified Risk Analyst -  * Also known as: ARA Accredited Risk Analyst 

  10. CCC Chartered Cost Controller ™ (Accounting Credential) Complete a concentration in accounting.  

  11. CHRA Certified Human Resources Analyst or CHR Certified in Human Resources  ™  

  12. CFC Certified in Financial Crimes ™  (Economic Crime and Fraud Prevention)  

  13. MPA Master Professional Auditor  ™  

  14. CSA Certified Strategic Auditor  ™  

  15. CIFRS Certified in International Financial Reporting Standards  

  16. CTA Certified Treasury Analyst ™  

  17. CAMC Certified Anti Money Laundering Consultant ™  

  18. CITA Certified International Tax Analyst ™  

  19. MTP Master Treasury Professional ™  

  20. MFMS Master Financial Modeling Specialist  ™  

  21. CCP ™ Certified Compliance Professional ™ from GAFM ®

  22. CEC ™ Certified eCommerce Consultant  ™ (USA)

  23. CSM Chartered Security Manager ™

  24. CTS™ Certified Transfer Pricing Specialist™

  25. MPM™ Master Project Manager – Legal Analyst

  26. CEC Certified E-Commerce Consultant ™

  27. CCA Certified Credit Analyst ™

  28. CCE Certified Corporate Economist ™

  29. CCO Certified Compliance Officer ™

  30. CMA Certified Marketing Analyst ™

  31. ChMA Chartered Mortgage Analyst ™

  32. CITA Certified International Tax Analyst ™

  33. MFC Master Financial Controller ™

  34. RFA Registered Financial Analyst ™

  35. RWM Registered Wealth Manager ™

  36. CPM Chartered Pension Manager ™ or CPS Certified Pension Specialist ™

  37. CPAM ™ Chartered Pension Analyst Manager ™

  38. CEPS Certified Education Planning Specialist ™

  39. CMFMP Certified Municipal Finance Management Practitioner ™

  40. CCMFMA Chartered Certified Municipal Financial Management Accountant ™

  41. CCFMA Chartered Certified Public Finance Management Accountant ™

  42. CCIP Chartered Certified Insurance Professional ™

  43. CCIB Chartered Certified International Banker ™

  44. AIM Accredited Investment Manager ™

  45. CSS Certified Sukuk Specialist ™

  46. ABBM Accredited Bank Branch Manager ™

  47. ASAR- Anti-money Laundering ™

  48. MIFA Master International Financial Analyst ™

  49. Chartered / Certified Administration Office Manager ™

  50. Chartered / Certified Sales Specialist / Certified Sales Manager ™

  51. Certified / Chartered Personal Executive Assistant ™

  52. Certified / Chartered Human Resources Business Partner ™

  53. Certified / Chartered Digital Marketing Specialist ™

  54. CDAS Certified Digital Advertising Specialist ™

  55. CFBA - Certified Forecasting and Budgeting Analyst ™

  56. CPRA Certified Public Relations Analyst ™

  57. MCA Master Compliance Analyst ™

Certification Requirements:

  1. Experience: 3 Years of related work. 
  2. Accredited Degree from an accredited or governmental recognized program.  
  3. Continuing Education  
  4. Ethics - agree to the ethics requirements of the Society.  

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Approved Degree and Assessment Programs


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Contact Name: Global Academy of Finance and Management ®
Contact Fax: 419-828-4923
Address: Box 293
1670F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd.
Colorado Springs

About GAFM ®

  The GAFM International Board of Standards is TUV Accredited and ISO Certified for Quality and ISO 29990 Certified for Training Standards



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 Accredited Certified Financial Analyst Chartered Accountant

The GAFM ® Board is the 1st Graduate Certification Body to Become Accredited  and Certified for: ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 29990 Training in the World. GAFM ® owns the former AAFM ® Certifications and Programs



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